Tuesday 2 October 2012

Chanel and Hulla Hoops

So today was the showcasing of Chanel at the Paris fashion week and thanks to newspapers like the Daily Mail and Guardian I was able to see I sneak peak of what Chanel has to offer.

I'm not a fashion week expert or massive follower however, because I buy fashion magazines regularly I get to know when it's happening and what the key pieces from key or new designers are (not that I care particularly about this as the prices are very often outside my budget).

However, I liked the following pieces from the Chanel runaway, I can't seem to get an idea of what the prices are anywhere (again not that I can afford them but, its nice to know), I'm guessing this is because it's just showcased on the runway today.

I really like the red bag below with the white hulla hoop handles.

courtesy of the guardian.co.uk

And then whatever the shoes below as a match for the red bag above...

courtesy of dailymail.couk

My lips are sealed with regards to the big white hulla hoop bag.